Recluse, 2018
Cardboard, tape, string, and paper. Self for scale.
Made in response to a drastic shift from rural to city life, Recluse is a kind of caricature of the modern hermit. Unable to find privacy or totally flee society, the recluse keeps their pacifying private dwelling with them in the form of a portable, disposable shell.
Elder, 2018
One sheet of 8 x 11 paper, wire, and glue. Handheld size.
Made after a visit to an aging relative, Elder recognizes the fragile physicality that old age brings while celebrating the wisdom and spiritual resilience of our elders.
Depth, 2018
Ash base, walnut top, and sand. Chairs for scale.
This wood and sand sculpture was inspired by general relativity, gravity wells, and the concept of infinite depth.
Untitled, 2018
Soapstone. Eight inches tall.
Inspired by visualizations of Calabi-Yau manifolds.